Whenever you hear anyone in the marketing world talking about paid internet advertising, the conversation is usually centered around Google Ads. But, what about Bing? Does anyone even use Bing? Surprisingly, yes. A lot of people use Bing—all the time. In fact, you probably don’t even realize how often you might use this search engine. 

Because Bing is owned by Microsoft, all Microsoft products from computers and tablet devices to software programs like Office or Outlook automatically pull through to Bing as the default search engine. Do you own an Xbox or an Alexa voice search-powered device? Guess what—Bing is the default search engine on these products as well. So, while you may think that Google is the obvious place to spend all your ad money, it’s actually very valuable to shift some of your budget into Bing to expand your visibility and boost conversion rates.


Why Use Bing Ads?

Paid-for online advertising is an important part of your overall strategy as it’s meant to attract new customers and increase revenue. The more people visiting, browsing, and buying from your site, the more money you’re making. Simple enough. But, you also need to make sure that you’re reaching your desired ad spending ROI to ensure each campaign is actually successful and worth the investment. 

Here are some of the most compelling reasons to consider advertising on Bing:

  • The general demographic of Bing users shows that they are slightly older than Google’s demographic (around 45 years old), more educated, and have a higher income hovering around $100,000 per year. This alternative demographic also tends to spend 21.5% more than others browsing the internet.
  • Most advertisers notice that branded searches on Google get a boost after implementing Bing ad campaigns.
  • Cost per click is less expensive and bidding is less competitive, making it easier to win a top spot. Bing also displays more ads at the top of the page, providing more opportunities to rank.
  • Acquisition costs are lower on Bing Shopping. 


How to Advertise on Bing

Expand Your Budget 

If you want to expand your reach, you’ll either have to expand your budget or cut down spending elsewhere. Because Bing PPC ads tend to be slightly more successful than Google Ads (perhaps due to less companies advertising on Bing), expanding your budget to maintain current Google campaigns and add Bing campaigns might be the move for you. If you have the capital to invest in new campaigns, the extra money spent is worth the payoff, assuming that your Bing ads will be successful. Implement a few campaigns and track the analytics to determine your ROI.


Cut Out Unsuccessful Google Ads Campaigns

For anyone who is not interested in increasing ad spending right now, there are other ways to shift your budget to Bing. By reviewing your analytics and determining which Google Ad campaigns are underperforming, you can shift your budget from unsuccessful Google campaigns to potentially more beneficial Bing campaigns. Partnering with a reputable marketing agency like Liftly can improve your PPC campaign management and more efficiently disperse your ad spending between Google and Bing.


Pull Google Ads Campaign Through to Bing

When setting up Bing PPC ads, you don’t even need to create a new campaign—unless you want to, of course. You can simply select the option “Import from Google Ads” when setting up your initial Bing campaigns. This saves you time and allows you to run an already successful campaign on two different platforms. 


The Takeaway:

Although Google may seem like the all-mighty search engine option, Bing is actually the second most popular search engine in the world, visited by a surprisingly high number of people every day (roughly 500 million global searches every month). Any one using a Microsoft device is probably interacting with Bing on the daily. To expand your reach, particularly if your target audience matches Bing’s older, wealthier demographic, it’s worth implementing ad campaigns on both Google and Bing. Our team of experts can help you identify the perfect marketing methods and implement PPC campaigns that will help you reach your desired ROI.